Thursday, February 04, 2010

An intimate look into my work life

This is my garbage can. More specifically, it's my office garbage can. Sadly, my office garbage can portrays a very accurate image of my snacking habits. Let's examine it more closely, shall we?

First, let's count the Diet Coke cans. There are eight cans visible, and probably twice that many underneath. You have to really strain since it blends in so well with the silver Diet Coke cans, but there is also a Pop Tart wrapper (there is actually at least one or two more in there, covered by the soda cans), flavor: S'mores. Have you had the S'mores-flavored Pop Tarts? Holy geez, they are delicious. I am not to be trusted around them.

You can also see the drink cup from Cafe Rio (or, as I like to call it, Mecca), from when I ate there last Friday. I got a veggie salad but they charged me for a pork salad. I got a refill on my way out to make up for the overcharge. (I would have gotten a refill on the way out anyway.)

Witness also the Red Vines wrapper. I finished off the last five pieces today as dessert after breakfast. You'll notice I carefully folded the wrapper and then tied it in a knot. I like my garbage to be as neat as possible. Red Vines are far superior to any other licorice on the market today. Especially Twizzlers, which are waxy and gross.

On the floor you'll see the wrapper (red) of a Lindt truffle. It's the last of the package I got for Christmas. While I appreciate the thoughtfulness, the truffles were sub par at best, which is why they lasted a month and a half. The Pop Tarts lasted exactly two and a half days. It was a twelve pack. I'm not proud of it.

And there you have my office garbage can. Be grateful it wasn't my kitchen garbage can. It's full of poop-covered bird cage liners.


April said...


TOWR said...


Jules AF said...

ewwwwwwww, it's all about strawberry pop tarts.

Bebe McGooch said...

I haven't had a pop tart in years, but if I were to eat one any time soon it would be the brown sugar kind.