Tuesday, February 02, 2010


Okay, I think I'm going to finally break down and subscribe to DVR. The regular TV season is in full swing and I have shows on every night that I really don't want to miss (and sometimes two shows a night, which forces me into a which-will-I-watch showdown). I totally forgot the final season of Lost was premiering tonight and made plans to get together with my best friend from high school. I tried to find out if it was going to be rerun or available on On Demand, but there's just no guarantee. So I guess this is the kick in the pants I need to quit being so freaking cheap (hello, it's only, like, $16/month) and reclusive (when you're not accepting invitations to social engagements because you don't want to miss one of your ten favorite shows, it's time for change), and join the throngs of the living. I'm sure that once I get it, it will change my life and I'll wonder how I ever lived without it. But it still chafes a bit to finally break down and do what everybody's been telling me to do for years.

1 comment:

Jules AF said...

OH MY GOSH. I miss DVR so much it hurts. It was the greatest thing ever. Only God could have created such an amazing thing.
It's things like DVR that stop me from being an atheist. hahaha