Thursday, January 14, 2010

"That's what she said" Thursday: Yuletide edition

Christmas Eve I was over at my parents' house dropping off pies and other miscellanea for Christmas dinner. My mom was decorating the dinner table while my dad got the turkey ready for the oven. These little gems are courtesy of my mother (as usual).

[helping my mom twist bead ropes that were going to be placed down the middle of the table]

Mom: Here, I'll hold and you twist.
Me: That's what she said!

[Dad and mom arguing over how to prep the turkey for the oven]

Mom: For crying out loud, Jack, just grease it up and stick it in!
Me: That's what she said!
All: [laugh hysterically]

This has been your "That's what she said" Thursday.


April said...

This better be a weekly treat!

atsirk said...

Have I mentioned that I'm SUPER excited that you left aside time for blogging in your new year?? So fun for us. (Thanks for making me spit out water with your "that's what she said", btw!!)